This has been copied from Beth Jansen's Photography blog ( This lovely woman and one of her 6 daughter's were killed in a tragic accident in the DC area. Beth Jansen knew this family personally and has asked for support from the photography community for this family. Friday night, driving home from swim lessons with her girls a storm erupted. In an instant a large tree branch fell on her car, killing her and her beautiful, sweet third daughter, Sloane. Left behind is Sean and the remaining 5 girls (Jillian, 12 Meghan, 11, Maeve, 6, Quinn, 2, and Kieran, 10 months) . I don’t think we can begin to imagine how difficult this is and will be on their family and loved ones. I am so thankful to have been introduced to such an amazing family. Kelly and sweet Sloane will be forever missed. I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am. Please keep this family in your prayers. You can also help out by making a donation. There is a memorial fund being set up to help assist with education for the remaining 5 girls. Kelly, together with Sean worked like crazy to support her family and they will need large support to make up for the financial loss in the futre. I am ALSO asking any fellow photographer to help out too by posting this story with the pictures below on your blog to both spread the word on the scholarhip fund but also remind people to cherish their every day here b/c as this story resonates, we never know when its going to be our time.
Payments can be made to the Murray Girls College Scholarship Fund (send checks to Kelly McMahon, Attn: Murray Scholarship 3908 Leland St, Chevy Chase, MD 20815).
Life will be different tomorrow, so make sure and cherish today!